Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de enero de 2016 vol.17, No.1


The MOOC as a Practice of Libertarian Pedagogy: a Possible Reality for the XXI Century

Jorge Hernández

In the 21st century, time in which educational demands are changing everyday from the personal and social needs mediated by context, it is necessary to talk about distance education, because it is becoming a theme in vogue, or better said, it is emerging in the current educational scenario. Hence becomes imperative that educational innovation be built from a pedagogical point of view, it’s mean that the educational activities in the field of e-learning are built under a learning process. In that sense, the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) should not be an exception, to which and inherently under a pedagogical reflection, comes to light the following question: where this courses go?, where do we want to direct them? There are so many answers as teaching positions from where you can give response to these concerns, hence, it is interesting to make an analysis from the libertarian pedagogy: how is it that these positions are inside of educational philosophy? In that sense, this article shows in a concrete way the information and the necessary arguments to demonstrate that there are links between the MOOC and libertarian pedagogy, that allow to develop alternative education proposals and finally present a construction descriptive theory as how could be do a libertarian pedagogy proposal through the MOOC.

Keywords: MOOC, libertarian pedagogy, education, freedom, liberation of knowledge, knowledge network, praxis.