Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de marzo de 2016 vol.17, No.3


Dance as symbolic territory

Rebeca Sánchez Aguilar y Liliana Quintero Álvarez Icaza

The way in which body has passed through history reveals the context within it belongs. Societies have marked changes in body culture (which can be seen from the social spheres to the different cultural manifestations such as dance). This has significantly transformed the experience and means to present its language.

In the Industrial Era, dance was characterized by several transformations, from dance performances of fine arts to the entertainment itself. In the digital age, the bodies took another narrative more attached to the postmodern logic. In the age of telecommunications, there is a space-temporal transformation that re-thinks the concept of body and dance.

The knowledge society proposed advances that go beyond the economic dimension and attend education, socially and culturally focusing on integral human development and plural sense. In this context, the Direction of Dance of the UNAM (Dirección de Danza, UNAM) created the educational project named Specialization in Dance and Technological Mediation, which, if approved, will contribute to the development of this art in our country.

Keywords: dance, technology, technology mediation, dance and telecommunications.