Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de septiembre de 2016 vol.17, No.9


Mothers and Children's VILLAGES SOS: Proposal for a Model to Improve their Psycho-Emotional Bonding

Norma Elena Vega González y Jorge Rogelio Pérez Espinosa

The relationship between the principal linking figure (usually the mother) and son / daughter is really significant. Between the main functions of motherhood and fatherhood, are the best known, such as education and socialization. However, emotional development involving containment, structuring of the psyche and personality, regulation of emotions, among others, are less distinguishable, but no less important. This paper presents the design of an intervention model, which through specific issues, mothers are taught the basic handling of these issues. This with the purpose of improving the emotional links they have with their children, crucial for child abuse prevention aspect. The people with whom we worked are SOS mothers and aunts belonging to the institution Huehuetoca SOS Children's Villages.

Keywords: emotional linking, child abuse, taking into account the other, place in reality, and reflective process.