31 de marzo del 2002 Vol.3 No.1

The Cane of Sugar Transport by Means of The Modelling

The organization of sugar cane transport in Cuba causes losses that are not solved immediately. In this paper the technique of investigation of operations is applied to the crop-transport process of sugar cane. The queueing theory is used to study the optimum composition of platoons necessary during the automated cut in order to be able to predict the necessary number of hired trucks required in each work stage. The process was viewed as a wait phenomenom so that the arrival of the trucks to the field is completed according to the distribution of Poisson and the intervals of distributed services according to the exponential negative.

Keyword: Transport, Operations Research, .

[ Ejemplar Actual ]

Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico-UNAM
Ciudad Universitaria, M
éxico D.F.