1 de Octubre de 2000 Vol.1 No.2

Arquitectura de la Máquina Virtual Java

Rolando Menchaca Méndez

Félix García Carballeira

Keyword : Java, Java Virtual Machine, Java Security, Just-in-Time Code Generation.


The present article describes the architecture of the Java virtual machine that is one of main components of the Java technology. We focus in its main components such as the Java virtual processor that executes the operation codes (bytecodes) generated by the Java compilers, the code verifier that along with the class loader and the security manager implement the Java security mechanisms. We analyze the main characteristics that have made possible the Java success in our days.

[ Este número ]

Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico-UNAM
Ciudad Universitaria, M
éxico D.F.