1 de Enero de 2001 Vol.1 No.3

A Creativity Evaluation in Elementary Education

Keyword : Psychology and Creativity, Creativity, Education and Creativity, Evaluation and Creativity, Freinet School, Montessori School , Elementary Education.


One of the main educational problems that we have in México is the lack of academic contents in which the teaching and development of complex mental processes are emphasised. In this empirical research, it is shown the way in which creativity makes itself apparent in the different pedagogical aproaches: Tradicional, Montessori and Freinet. The overall objective consisted of verifying the degree in which creativity is encouraged in each of these schools. We had a sample population for 259 children in total, between 3rd and 6th grade of elementary school. The way we evaluated their creativity was through "free drawing". The model used was experimental of type mixt (6 X 1) and their corresponding statistical analysis was carried out. The results sow meaningful statistic differences, in every school, being the Freinet School the most favoured one. At the end concluded with some suggestions that we considered of great value to promote the development of creativity.

[ Este número ]

Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico-UNAM
Ciudad Universitaria, M
éxico D.F.