Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de diciembre de 2013 vol.14, No.12


The Performing Brain Awareness Week at the School of Medicine encourages student’s specific skills

Virginia Inclán-Rubio, Francisco Estrada-Rojo, Luz Navarro-Angulo y Leticia Verdugo-Díaz.

World Brain Awareness Week is a popular science event, held every year in the School of Medicine of the UNAM. This activity is an group of professor’s from the Department of Physiology initiative and aims to involve medical students in reporting on the progress and benefits of brain research and provides tool-kit that facilitate the acquisition of certain competences in level I profile under the new curriculum format in School of Medicine, UNAM. Multiple instances of the School of Medicine as well as the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), the Mexican Society of Physiological Sciences (SMCF) and by The DANA Foundation support the organization. The outreach resources we use in Brain Awareness Week are the conference and poster. Both tools have been implemented with an understandable level for undergraduates. The interest in the study and understanding of brain function has allowed since 1993, the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives (DABI) has registered the participation of 2800 Institutions over 82 countries across 5 continents. Similar to what happened worldwide, Brain Awareness Week in Mexico has grown every year, both in the number of organizations participating, and in the activities.

Keywords: Brain week, neurosciences disclosure, brain physiology.