Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de agosto de 2013 vol.14, No.8


The thoughtful design to new approaches and challenges: symbolic violence, gender and social responsibility

Martha Patricia Zarza Delgado, Héctor Paulino Serrano Barquín y Carolina Serrano Barquín

It seems that formal design education as well as professional design activity show some invariance and even indifference to recent social changes, therefore, it is relevant to assess, both in academy and in the workplace, whether it is desirable to promote and introduce new information criteria, standards and perspectives that Mexican society clearly needs due to its social intolerance, violence, and little accountability to environmental problems as well as excessive consumption of objects that in many cases were designed in a very thoughtless way.

It is more than evident the requirement to reduce symbolic gender violence in a patriarchal country as ours, in order to contribute to the reduction of the existing symbolic violence against women and vice versa, creating better search patterns of social responsibility in the performance of different design disciplines. To highlight the consequences of design with little awareness and vision of the effects they produce in their social environment, force us to rethink, with these new approaches, a more ethical and acting vision facing the particular social problems of these times.

Keywords: Confronted designs, symbolic violence, gender.