Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de agosto de 2013 vol.14, No.8


Interview with Daniel Granatta

Revista Digital Universitaria

Every day we find in television, radio and streets so many products offering improve our quality of life, these articles come to us throught the free path of the publicity at media. However the publicity’s main objective isn´t the sales promotion, is rather the creation of a new experience through a story that reminds us of our own life, this story is shares and enriched by the media that the user (or consumer) has at hand. Or at least to Daniel Granatta, Chief Creative Officer at Flock Agency so it should be: “I´m really interested in the alternative exploration methods of how the brands should be relate with the persons.”

In an interview for Revista Digital Universitaria, Daniel Granatta talks about his experience at the publicity field, the new forms of advertising and the way that the publicity will take to renew itself. Beside, if you don’t know what it is, we talk to you about Activismo Creativo.

Keywords: Social networks; SEO; communication; guidelines; technology; media; communications channels; Facebook; Twitter; web 2.0.