Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de octubre de 2014 vol.15, No.10


Red de Acervos Digitales UNAM (RAD-UNAM): Building a Network of Universitary Digital Repositories

Gunnar Eyal Wolf Iszaevich, Edurne Iriarte Santillán, Isabel Galina Russell y Pablo Miranda Quevedo

This article describes the work done by Red de Acervos Digitales de la UNAM (RAD-UNAM; Network of Digital Archives), being part of a collective effort to manage and disseminate the digital materials produced by the academic community of UNAM. Nowadays, universities throughout the world have adopted institutional repositories as a strategy. These repositories operate under common metadata and interoperability protocols and standards enabling them to share the results of their teaching and research activities. In this sense, the RAD-UNAM project offers an answer to the problem of how to disseminate such digital materials in a more effective way through a network of university repositories managed by the different entities, so that its academic resources can be managed, disseminated, and as a whole retrieved, studied and federated, through the use of international standards enhancing their visibility in the network.

Keywords: university repositories, open access, electronic publishing, digital publishing, network digital collections