Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | PublicaciĆ³n mensual | 1 de mayo de 2014 vol.15, No.05


The pinhole photography, manner, skill and creation .

Diana Lizeth Duran Quintero

Based on an experience of research and creation three topics are presented which seek to make a reconstruction of photography, in skill, manner and creation. In this way, pinhole camera photography is presented as the primary element that allows one to rethink photography as a means of exploration and experimentation, that is not only based on the recognition of the technique but that also generates discussion that goes beyond the reproduction and production of the photographic image. To this extent it is necessary to recognise photography from its inception as a means of reproducibility and as a way of expression and communication through exploration.

Keywords: Artistic photography, artistic creation, visual representation, investigation, cultural context