Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de julio de 2014 vol.15, No.07


#Beakman in mexico: a social network fenomenon in perspective

Karina Maldonado Portillo y Michelle Morelos Cabrera

The technological development has allowed social networks to become the main tool for transmitting; creating and sharing users generated content. Because of social network’s intrinsic characteristics, the interaction between virtual communities is strong and plu- ral. Marketing and publicity have used this viral interaction for branch positioning, de- nominated viral marketing. Nevertheless, there is not a specific strategy that guarantees the successful transition of a message. Keeping that in mind, this article’s objective is to describe how comes that an event like “¡Beakman en vivo!” became, from an academic event, big news in the media. This event also consolidated the 75th IFUNAM anniversary in the memory of the Facebook and Twitter users who supported and promoted the show.

Keywords: Beakman, Paul Zaloom, UNAM, Instituto de Física, Jok Church