Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de octubre de 2015 vol.16, No.10


Visuality and Knowledge.
Visuality as a Form of Knowledge, the Agora to New Virtual Environments

Horacio Durán Macedo

Around the visuality, the images and their influence on the cognitive model of people, turn many speeches, some positions dire warning transformations as the product of a society hypermediated, while others claim the act of seeing as a form of thought and, therefore, human knowledge, potentiated in the new virtual scenarios.

The article offers a brief analysis of the cognitive implications of the visual image as an instrument of knowledge, from its early epistemological concepts, to its importance in shaping the current virtual learning environments.

Keywords: visual, knowledge, image, education, virtuality