Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de febrero de 2015 vol.16, No.2


IT as enablers for the management enterprise knowledge

María del Rosario Demuner Flores, Rosa María Nava Rogel, Patricia Mercado Salgado

The TI facilitate storage, processing and dissemination of knowledge to have a successful program of its management. The aim of research is describe the enterprise knowledge management by using the TI with the Nonaka and Takeuchi model. The results reveal that the PyMES manage the knowledge using TI in lesser proportion than large firms. Both groups make a bigger effort at the combination stage to synthesize explicit concepts to transfer them to a knowledge base. The TI used by them depends of the treatment given to socializing, externalizing, combine and internalize the knowledge.

Keywords: IT; Knowledge management, SECI model