Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | PublicaciĆ³n mensual | 1 de junio de 2015 vol.16, No.6


Organizational Communication Management from the Perspective of Progress of Science and Technology

Katia Aleyda Manrique Maldonado

Inside the organizations, communication flows are constant and employed permanently. The information exchange and feedback processes are an essential need. This is why it is important to have proper channels and opportune politics so the communication process can be planned, efficient and positive and, therefore, it can have the wished impact in the outside, reinforcing the organization culture and identity, as well as the image that it projects to its different audiences.

The organizational communication professionals face the challenge of working among the unstoppable scientific and technological development that causes society to be more and more immersed in the digital culture, which penetrates little by little its daily activities. The constant training and actualizations in the use of the new technologies will help organizations to succeed.

Keywords: organizational communication management, new technologies, organizational communication