Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de enero de 2016 vol.17, No.1


MOOC in Numbers, an Analysis to begin Reflection

Ismene Ithaí Bras Ruiz

Nowadays, there are various arguments about the effectiveness of the Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC); arguments that offered equally in favour and against. Some of these focus on the massive, while others do it in pedagogical models, systems management, hosting, connectivity, fees or gratuity, the elitism that they hide and the few profundity or high specialty. There is no denying that it is impossible to talk about success thinking all the differences, but the aspects that the MOOC have let us to analyze them in the new educational challenges.

The following text is not intended to make a defense or an attack on the MOOC, but set a analysis from the statistics that the specialized studies have generate from 2012 to date. Apart from any position, it is necessary to know what has been the progress of this form of education in the real world, what the trend is and what are the projections for the next few years. All this will provide elements for assessing the benefits and disadvantages, as well as areas that require better reflection.

Keywords: MOOC, education, pedagogy.