Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de Noviembre de 2016 vol.17, No.11


Copyright Law from a librarianship perspective

Castro Escamilla Ricardo César, Escalera Álvarez Jorge Luciano, Rivera López Namibia, García Pérez Jesús Francisco, Hernández Alpizar Verónica, Fuentevilla Abarca Luisa, Abad Díaz Olga Patricia, Casiano Casiano Luis Manuel Osses Rivera Johanna Marcela

Libraries as information units, make them an indispensable asset to exercise its functions, services and though those, its mission. Which can be roughly be summarized in: Organize, safeguard, keep and disseminate various information resources.

Therefore the treatment which is given to information in libraries must be balanced with the application of copyright law without losing the user’s right to access the information, and with this the IFLA (2014) mentions: To fulfill its mission, libraries need norms and international copyright laws, along exceptions and limitations. The legal flexibilities in copyright law, gives balance in a copyright system among users.

Upon guidelines and postures of IFLA and the World Intellectual Property Organization it’s clear that a conciliatory point on information access, copyright law and user rights, given that if information access is unreasonably restricted there’d be a discomfort and social recoil, given that access and use of information is an basic input to the development of every society.

Keywords: Libraries, copyright, intellectual property, information, Access