Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de marzo de 2016 vol.17, No.3


UNAM en movimiento, its intangible patrimony

Ángel Rosas García, Aarón Lozano Aguilar y Begoña Bolaños Meade

The intangibility of the art of movement through the supervision of their creative processes determines their artistic and technical needs, evokes the emblematic passage of productions to realize the intangible and crossing the borders of time. That is why the repository UNAM in Movement from the UNAM’s Dance Direction -a passion and learning space- guarantees the accuracy of the information, historical tracking and digital memory of dance in the UNAM, taking advantage of technological advances that have brought the development of electronic media and, thus, fostered a new potential for documenting, preserving dance information and enhancing access to materials.

Keywords: Cultural Events, Dance, Performance, Scene, Live Arts, Institutional Repository, Technology, Documentation, Archives, UNAM.