Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de Enero de 2017 vol.18, No.1


Social networks free in public university

Ehécatl Cabrera Franco

The present paper aims to provide elements for a critical discussion about the consequences of using private platforms and web communication services, managed by monopolizing companies, in Mexican public universities. To do this, the model of economic benefits based in massive processing of personal data by these companies and their social implications is analyzed. From here, the process of technological dependence, to which they are exposed public universities, is analyzed, presenting the use and development of platforms for decentralized communication or “free social networks” as an alternative that allows the self-management of their infrastructure and communication between different nodes.

Keywords:Free social networks, private networks, technological autonomy, technological dependence, public university, free software.