Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de Febrero de 2017 vol.18, No.2


Moodle for digital skills development in UNAM

Angélica María Ramírez Bedolla

Moodle is an educational platform integrated by resources and tools that provide the opportunity to build a virtual space to share content, communicate, interact, monitor their students’ activities and performance, encourage their participation and promote their discussions on line The design and execution of didactic activities that integrate ICT, including the Moodle platform, contribute to the development digital students’skills as well as teachers’skills.

This paper presents good practices and obstacles than the Coordination of Technology Education - h@bitat puma has faced regarding the use of Moodle as the main platform to provide their services among which are: didactic training with ICT use, creation and accommodation virtual classrooms, as well as massive application of diagnostic tools.

Keywords: : ITC, Moodle, digital skills, h@bitat puma, learning platform.