Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de Marzo de 2017 vol.18, No.3


The challenges of journalistic design in a constantly changing social and technological environment

María Sierra Trasancos

After decades in which innovation in the press was framed within a clear paradigm, the emergence of the Internet and social networks as new channels of information distribution and the enormous changes in the way news are consumed have supposed a revolution still in progress. Designers, engineers and journalists see their efforts to offer an innovative product of quality, according to the needs of the reader, become obsolete again and again. The paradigms of journalistic design and content editing tools face the need to free themselves from tight practices to embrace high flexibility to allow more fluid creative processes. The goal - to inform - is the same, the product – the news - is the same, but everything else is in motion. Let us move, then.

Keywords: design, communication, press, social networks, smartphone, CMS, WordPress, Journalism.