31 de Marzo de 2001 Vol.2 No1

Programa de Especialización en Estomatología en Atención Primaria. De la Educación Escolarizada a la Enseñanza Abierta

Keyword: Distant education, Educational model, Open education, .



In our days, education has the challenge of adapt itself to economical, political, and social changes, giving place to the establishment and development of new educational technologies and strategies to train professional human resources. In 1972, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) instituted the Open University System (SUA) as a project aimed to expand education to people that, due to different reasons, can not attend the educational premises. The use of modern technology and communication media enables the extension of professional, postgraduate and continuous education studies to people that can not enter into the traditional educational system. One of the academic programs that UNAM offers under the Open University modality is the Specialization Program in Stomatology on Primary Care. This program, that can also be studied in school, is offered as open, distance, and online education. The development of this specialization and the follow-up program for students has shown that once at work, the Specialist in Stomatology on Primary Care extends and develops competitively the primary care in either operative or management levels. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this experience is a successful example of the constant adaptation of academic programs to new methods on pedagogy and to the real requirements of education for the people.


[ Este nĂºmero ]

Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico-UNAM
Ciudad Universitaria, M
éxico D.F.