Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de septiembre de 2014 vol.15, No.9


Political-organizational Rural Autonomy and Global Solidarity. UCIRI and Fairtrade in Mexico

Carlos Chávez Becker

This paper's objective is to show the possibilities that global solidarity have in order to break up the chains of dependence and authoritarian control that has been imposed over thousands of producers' organizations in the rural sector in Mexico. The main hypothesis to be analysed in this article is that the possibility to put in motion self governed and autonomous productive projects leaded by rural organizations in Mexico, that could leave behind the corporative and clientelistic control from PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional), could be materialized and strengthen by building global solidary alliances. In particular, this causal relationship is discussed under the light shed by the case of UCIRI, which is an organization that join together indigenous coffee producers in Sierra Juarez in Oaxaca State and that, through its participation in the Fairtrade market-movement, could put itself far from the corporatist network of PRI. The main conclusion in this article is that the networks of global solidarity, that gather very different epistemic communities, contributed effectively enhancing the perimeter of political-organizational autonomy that UCIRI had and still have. Therefore, this is one way to think alternatives to reach autonomy in Mexican rural organizations, especially useful when many other projects and efforts have failed consistently.

Keywords: UCIRI, autonomy, rural organizations, global solidarity, Fairtrade, corporatism