Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de diciembre de 2015 vol.16, No.12


Assessing Open Government in Mexico: Findings of the Local Government Ranking 2015

Rodrigo Sandoval Almazán

Open government has spread the word in recent years around the world. However, very few is known about this subject on citizens and government agencies. Since 2006 when this research project arises with the goal of assessing open government in Mexico. Using the Internet portals of transparency agencies in the local level has been developed a comparative research –benchmarking (which places different variables) information, design, and interaction– with a theoretical model. This short paper describes the main findings of the 2015 assessment for the 32 local government portals of transparency and information access. Starting with a brief literature review to differentiate among open government, transparency and information access concepts, then follows with the actual theoretical model, method and data collection with a section that describes main findings and its implications. The aim of this research is to contribute on the theoretical and practical discussion of the open government field to the scholars interested in the topic. Besides the practical implications of the results for citizens, practitioners and public servants related to the implementation of open government and transparency practices that are looking for tools to compare present and future of the open government.

Keywords: Open Government, Transparency, Corruption, Accountability.