Revista Digital Universitaria
Revista Digital Universitaria ISSN: 1607 - 6079 | Publicación mensual | 1 de Febrero de 2017 vol.18, No.2


Inference processes construction through Moodle lessons

Norma Lucila Ramírez López, Oscar Ricardo Asseburg Cruz & Gabriel Andrés Macedo García

The increasing boom of formative activities mediated by information and communications technology (ICT), through the creation of active learning environments developed by the teacher, implies attention in the teaching of inference processes, diagnostic inference processes in this case, by the incorporation of virtual learning environments (VLE) that currently exist. In this study it is shown the constructions of Moodle lessons as a support for the development of high-level cognitive skills in the undergraduate medical area. Optimizing the search for knowledge, practice of medical reasoning, and decision making, contributes to achieve the main goal: to promote a participative attitude in the student, with the possibility of awakening curiosity and interest, which will help in the incorporation of diagnostic inference processes, by using different information structures.
Promoting medical reasoning through significant experience of diagnostic inference processes construction through Moodle lessons, allows critical analysis of situations, enhance student learning legitimizing the effort of the teacher.

Keywords: Moodle lessons, diagnostic inference processes.