Effect of using an audience response tool in a formative assessment


  • José Alfredo Núñez Toledo Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades UNAM


formative assessment, audience response tool, Plickers, ICT


The development of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applied into education has allowed teachers a wide range of tools to innovate the teaching-learning process, in which the assessment plays a very important role. This work describes the resulting experience of using Plickers an audience response tool, during the formative assessment of a student group from Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (CCH), campus Azcapotzalco, a higher education, Mexican, public, educative institution, with the purpose of knowing its effect in the assessment. Such a tool allowed to bring together a web site, a mobile device and a Quick Response markers set (QR), so that a formative assessment can take place. 25 students, in first semester, from the Compute Workshop, participated in the activity. Results showed that a fun environment was generated in the classroom, which facilitated interaction, participation, positive attitude and competitiveness among students. Additionally, this tool helped the teacher in organizing and controlling grading tasks, as well as analyzing outcomes. Consequently, and according to the observed effects along the activity, Plickers could be suggested to other teachers, in order to implement this sort of tools as an innovative assessment process.

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Author Biography

José Alfredo Núñez Toledo, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades UNAM

Licenciado en informática y Maestro en Administración de Organizaciones por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (unam), cuenta con diversos diplomados en Pedagogía y Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (tic) para la enseñanza, Habilidades Directivas, Gestión empresarial, Administración de proyectostice Investigación Educativa; además ha impartido diversos cursos y talleres sobre tecnología educativa para profesores y estudiantes del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades (cch). Ha colaborado en la asesoría de alumnos en el club de robótica del plantel Azcapotzalco y se ha desempeñado como coordinador en el Programa Institucional de Asesoría de dicho plantel. Actualmente colabora en la Secretaría Estudiantil de la Dirección General de cch.

