Where is the power of women? The problem of the gender gap



equity, participation, work environment, gender


In the 21st century, women at the workplace are still at the shadow of male gender. The social, political and organizational discourse proclaims equality and/or equity; however, in everyday life the reality is other: after an analysis of publications in political and corporate settings, we describe the differences that persist between genders within organizations in any field. The weight of culture on the behavior of women at the workplace still exerts a decisive impact on their corporate development. The objective of this essay is to state some factors that prevail as limiting for the promotion of women at workplaces.

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Author Biography

Maria Teresa Reyes Chacón, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social

Médico Familiar  con adscripcion como jefe de servicio  en unidad de medicina familiar,  asi como  maestria en administración  y en educación especial, candidato a doctorado en ciencias admnistrativas,  con incursion en la investigación  como parte del comite de etica de la unidad medica, con una publicacion  en el año 2010, y actualmente en proceso de evaluacion de dos publicaciones mas

