Gender and Democracy


  • Jorge Jared Platas Curiel Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


gender, sex, democracy, citizenship, politics


This article reviews the concept of gender and its importance for the study of society and politics. Gender is a sociocultural concept that refers to the identity, roles, characteristics, and opportunities of people based on the social system and institutions. Here, we raise the need to reconfigure the participatory dimension of democracy based on gender, as well as proposing a conception of politics from the public and citizen action of women and men as social and sexual beings, and agents of change and social and political justice.

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Author Biography

Jorge Jared Platas Curiel, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), actualmente cursa la Maestría en Filosofía en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la misma institución. Sus intereses académicos versan sobre el estudio de la filosofía política moderna y contemporánea, las distintas concepciones sobre la ciudadanía y democracia, así como la libertad política, el Estado moderno y la justicia social.

