Integral Education in Childhood: An Innovative, Successful and Happy Classroom



integral education, development of thought, art, play, innovation


Integral education in childhood is fundamental to develop cognitive, communicative, affective, social, creative and practical abilities of students. For that reason, the dynamization of teaching-learning strategies with a holistic approach acquires relevance. This paper presents the aief –an innovative, successful and happy classroom–, a strategy for an integral education in childhood, focused on innovation, playfulness, art, and the development of scientific thought, emotional intelligence and meaningful learning in the training process, which includes the innovative use of technologies and their relationship with the cultural context. Additionally, we present guiding principles and a set of transversal didactics that can be applied directly or with context adaptations by other teachers. Thus, this strategy allows to generate processes where both the student and the teacher are constantly renewed and, from their praxis, they become aware of the transformations of their role, that circulates between learning and teaching.

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Author Biography

Mónica Pilar Cobaleda Estepa, Institución Educativa Jorge Robledo

Actualmente es Docente en la Institución Educativa Jorge Robledo - IEJR, Medellín, Colombia.

Magister en Educación, Licenciada en educación preescolar. Docente universitaria en el área de pedagogía y arte en las licenciaturas de educación preescolar, educación física y educación artística. Experta en didácticas de la educación. Conferencista y tallerista en eventos académicos para la primera infancia. Obtuvo la distinción “Maestro Huella” del programa de Licenciatura en Educación Artística- Universidad de San Buenaventura-  Medellín 2015, y la condecoración “Medalla a la Valentía ciudad de Medellín”- Decreto 0470 de 2019. Compositora de música infantil y directora del grupo musical Colombia de Colores. Asesora nacional en temas de lenguajes expresivos y resiliencia familiar para el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia- MEN, el Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar - ICBF y la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones- OIM.

