On how to write science for a general public and not smother your readers by boredom


  • Guillermo N. Murray-Tortarolo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


science outreach, writing methods, substance and structure, writer’s block


One of the most beautiful things in this wide world is reading science that is well written and reported. It is interesting, dynamic, fun and it teaches you novel facts about our universe. But writing a manuscript with all those characteristics is a remarkable challenge. We get stuck while facing the blank page and our ideas are rarely inked the way we would have liked. Have you ever been in such a situation? Sitting down, ready to write an essay, a manuscript or even a love letter…, and, although you have all the ideas in your mind, they simply refuse to be placed on paper. Here, I bring you a remedy against scientific writing block. On the next few pages I will tell you a bit about my writing experience, so you can face the page and write texts that look a lot closer to what you were thinking.

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Author Biography

Guillermo N. Murray-Tortarolo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Es Investigador Titular "C" TC en el Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Mi tema principal de trabajo es la modelación ecológica a través de distintas escalas espacio-temporales para el manejo sustentable de ecosistemas a nivel nacional y global. Me interesa entender los impactos del cambio y la variación climática sobre distintos procesos ecológicos y agronómicos de México y el mundo. También tengo un profundo interés y pasión por la divulgación de la ciencia y por la enseñanza de la misma.

