Gender violence in Mexico, where are we?


  • Anel Cecilia Sánchez de los Monteros Arriaga UNAM FFyL


discrimination, feminicide, sexism, machismo, patriarchy, gender violence


Violence against women due to their social and cultural devaluation is a matter of concern in our country and internationally. Measures have been taken in order to protect them and to change the social context, and although progress has been made in 2012 by criminalizing feminidice as a crime, efforts must go beyond the actions of governments and the judicial processes that regulate them. It is necessary to make a substantial change in culture, as to leave behind the patriarchal ideology of our society, especially the Latino one, because most of the countries with the highest rates of feminicides are found precisely in Latin America. The inherited ideology of male superiority is the basis for violent gender-based acts against women. If this ideology is questioned and, above all, modified, each man and woman will be able to assert their rights and freedom to decide on themselves, in addition to build a society in which women are protected and respected.

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Author Biography

Anel Cecilia Sánchez de los Monteros Arriaga, UNAM FFyL

Cursó la Licenciatura en Filosofía en launam. Es miembro de la Red Mexicana de Mujeres filósofas. Se desempeña como Facilitadora parental certificada por Niños de Ahora; actualmente acompaña a padres y madres a descubrir su sabiduría interna para criar a sus hijos armoniosamente. Ha colaborado con distintas editoriales en sus áreas de ventas y mercadotecnia. Ahora ejerce como colaboradora freelance en el área Editorial como Correctora de Estilo y Redacción.

