Overview of the digital reference service at unam libraries



digital libraries, websites, reference service, digital reference, faculty libraries


There is currently a wide disparity of features in the online versions of many college libraries under the administration of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam). This problem is particularly pervasive in aspects dealing with access to digital services. That is why in this article 35 libraries of the undergraduate and graduate programs subsystem were analyzed in order to understand their underlying website structures. This was done by focusing on the possible means of access that users of the library community have to a digital reference service. In order to achieve this, we began by conceptualizing the referral service, as well as its current trends, in order to meet the minimum standards expected of a service of this nature. Subsequently, we researched their particularities, in terms of structure and organization of such accesses, regardless of their advantages or disadvantages. Finally, we carry out a reflection based on this methodology.

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Author Biography

Bardo Javier García Martínez, Dirección General de Bibliotecas (DGB) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Doctor en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información en la UNAM, así como Maestro (EDINBA) y Licenciado (UNITEC) en Diseño Gráfico, cuenta con la Especialidad Advanced Web Design. Labora en el departamento de Publicaciones de la DGB-UNAM. Su experiencia y conocimientos versan principalmente sobre al ámbito editorial enfocado a las revistas académicas electrónicas y los libros electrónicos; adicional a ello tiene una amplia experiencia desarrollada en el campo del diseño impreso, web y multimedia. Actualmente labora en el departamento de Publicaciones, Secretaría Técnica de Difusión y Relaciones de la Dirección General de Bibliotecas

