Open, distance and mixed modality: mechanism to reduce educational inequality


  • Laura C. Casillas Valdivia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


higher education, institutions, curricula, ICT, distance education


In Mexico, higher education coverage is highly heterogeneous and unequal. As Mexico City concentrates the largest number of Institutions –public and private– and study plans and programs, it leaves limited access to people who live in other states, or to people who for various reasons cannot attend in person. In this sense, UNAM'S SUAYED, with the accumulated experience of 50 years of offering quality higher education, serves as a mechanism to reduce this inequality by absorbing 11% of the enrollment that attends undergraduate studies in non-face-to-face modalities in public universities.

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Author Biography

Laura C. Casillas Valdivia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Jefa de la División Sistema Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia, Facultad de Economía, UNAM.

