Students in pandemic: a glimpse from autonomous learning


  • Larisa Enríquez Vázquez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Myrna Hernández Gutiérrez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


autonomous learning, pandemic, evaluation of autonomous learning


Autonomous learning is a concept that refers to training students as lifelong learners, with the ability to take control over their own learning process. The year 2020 has shown the need and urgency to promote skills that allow students to be self-managed and regulate their learning processes, including the development of skills to plan their activities and self-evaluate. In this current emerging context, it is necessary to ask ourselves, as teachers, how can we support students in fostering these skills, which of these should be considered as priorities and which ones should be promoted, either because there is a deficiency in them or a greater interest among young people, and how can we, as teachers, help students in its training.

With the objective of generating viable options in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, an investigation was initiated on the students’ level of autonomy in Mexico. To do this, during May 2020 we applied the “Autonomous learning survey in times of COVID-19”. This work presents the results of such exploration.

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Author Biographies

Larisa Enríquez Vázquez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Maestra en ciencias por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y doctorante en e-learningpor la Universidad Abierta de Cataluña. Investigadora de tiempo completo en la Coordinación de Universidad Abierta, Innovación Educativa y Educación a Distancia (CUAIEED) de la UNAM. Sus líneas de investigación son el aprendizaje autónomo, modelos flexibles para la educación, y educación abierta y a distancia.

Myrna Hernández Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Licenciada en Informática por la UNAM, maestra en Comunicación y Tecnologías Educativas por el Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicación Educativa (ILCE) y doctora en Pedagogía por la UNAM. Es académica en la Coordinación de Universidad Abierta, Innovación Educativa y Educación a Distancia (CUAIEED) de la UNAM. Su línea de investigación es el aprendizaje colaborativo en ambientes virtuales.

