Personalized teaching trajectories: flexible strengthening in teaching practice


  • María Concepción Barrón Tirado Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación
  • Francisco Cervantes Pérez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


personalized teaching paths, teaching training, teaching competences, didactic innovation, self-organization, self-managed, self-reference


This article presents, in general, the Strategic Program for Teaching Support (PEAD, from its Spanish acronym): “Teaching and learning in the digital age: personalized teaching paths”, as an integral and flexible proposal to reinforce teaching practice under the principles of equity, inclusion and attention to diversity. It is based on considering teachers as builders of disciplinary-didactic knowledge based on their work contexts, and as agents of continuous change. Therefore, a program of this nature aims to reinforce teachers’ personal, social and professional development, with an ethical and critical vision committed with the formation of contemporary world citizens.

The main contribution of this proposal lies in the junction of a vision of teacher training from multireferentiality, a flexible curricular organization based on axes and competences, learning through challenges and activities, as well as a continuous evaluation process; all this within the framework of a didactic structuring based on self-managed courses and supported with the appropriate use of digital technologies.

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Author Biographies

María Concepción Barrón Tirado, Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación

Secretaria Académica de la Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia/Investigadora del IISUE/UNAM. Doctora en Pedagogía por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM y SNI-II. Coordinadora académica del Proyecto “Docencia y aprendizaje en la era digital. Trayectorias docentes personalizadas” (CUAED/UNAM). Profesora del Posgrado de Pedagogía de la UNAM.Líneas de investigación: Curriculum, didáctica y formación profesional.

Francisco Cervantes Pérez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Director General de la Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia de la UNAM/ Doctorado (Ph.D.) en Ciencias de la Computación y de la Información por la Universidad de Massachusetts en Amherst, Mass., E.U.A. Título de Disertación: Modeling and analysis of neural networks in the visuomotor system of anuran amphibia. Profesor de Carrera Titular “B” T.C., Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad Morelia UNAM


