Arts and teaching: a playful composition



teaching, higher education, learning strategies, arts and education, photography


One of the most rewarding professional activities I have had the fortune to practice is teaching in higher education. Being a professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (FFyL) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) has meant, at the same time and to a large extent, challenge and vocation, commitment and openness. It has not been a simple path, but it has been an experience full of learning in professional and personal terms. The objective of this article, therefore, is to narrate as a testimony some of the most significant aspects that have allowed me to define my own process as a teacher and to establish certain principles or guiding axes of my practice in the classroom, highlighting art as a valuable resource for learning. While all art forms have great potential in teaching and learning processes, in this article I will focus on the experiences I have had using visual arts, specifically, the educational possibilities of photography.

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Author Biography

Nancy Araceli Galván Aguilar, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Profesora de Asignatura del Colegio de Pedagogía (FFyL-UNAM), responsable de dos grupos de las asignaturas "Educación No Formal 1 y 2" y el "Taller de Educación No Formal 3 y 4", dedicado este último al estudio de la Educación y la Cultura. Jefa de Departamento del área de las Humanidades y las Artes, en la Subdirección de Planes y Programas de Estudio, de la Coordinación de Desarrollo Educativo e Innovación Curricular de la UNAM.



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