Teachers as researchers of their practice



research training, teacher researchers, research in education, research from practice


This article sets forth the experience of the participants in the specialization course “Research in Education from the Teaching Practice”, developed by the Subdirectorate of Research in Education, from the Coordination of Educational Development and Curricular Innovation (CODEIC) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). This course was held throughout 2017, designed during the first semester of that year, and carried out and evaluated throughout the second half of that year. In this document, the voices of both the teachers who took the course and those who were in charge of the training process can be found, parting from the design of the proposal and its implementation, to its evaluation. The testimonies coincide in establishing that it was a significant and useful training experience for their professional and personal development.

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Author Biographies

Yazmín Alejandra Lara Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Jefa del Departamento de Investigación en Educación 

Coordinación de Desarrollo Educativo e Innovación Curricular

Adriana Olvera López, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Coordinadora de Investigación en Educación 

Coordinación de Desarrollo Educativo e Innovación Curricular

Maura Pompa Mansilla, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Jefa del departamento de Investigación Traslacional en Educación

Coordinación de Desarrollo Educativo e Innovación Curricular

